Software Supply Chain Security: Introducing COVULOR — Your Strategic Defense Against Emerging Threats.

COVULOR takes a holistic approach to securing the software supply chain, covering every facet from Static Application Security Testing (SAST), detecting Secrets and Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in Infrastructure as Code (IaC), to Open Source Security (SCA), License Compliance, and Software Bill of Materials (SBOM). By ensuring Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) and implementing Software Supply Chain Security (SSCS) practices, COVULOR safeguards your applications from source to deployment.


COVULOR by Plexicus represents a paradigm shift in vulnerability management, offering a Continuous Vulnerability Orchestrator specifically tailored to modern cybersecurity challenges. This innovative solution harnesses advanced AI to deliver a nuanced, real-world impact assessment of cybersecurity vulnerabilities. COVULOR stands out with its proprietary metric, “Damage Potential”, which dynamically evaluates the realistic threat impact of vulnerabilities, integrating diverse data sources like public information, adjusted asset impact, and threat intelligence. By prioritizing the problems, we are simply saving your time, funds, and company data.

Key Features

COVULOR’s AI-driven approach transforms cybersecurity decision-making by providing enriched contextual data, allowing organizations to grasp the full implications of vulnerabilities. It not only identifies vulnerabilities but propels the remediation process forward with automated, AI-generated solutions, including playbooks and code fixes. This accelerates response times, minimizing exposure windows and significantly bolstering security postures. COVULOR’s intelligent prioritization enhances resource allocation, directing attention to the most critical vulnerabilities and optimizing efforts for maximum cybersecurity impact.

Informed Decision-Making

Make informed cybersecurity decisions with COVULOR’s AI-driven context enrichment. Understand the real-world implications of vulnerabilities, empowering your team to make decisions based on comprehensive and relevant data.

Accelerated Remediation

COVULOR doesn’t stop at identification; it accelerates the remediation process. Automated solutions, including detailed playbooks and code generation, swiftly address vulnerabilities, reducing the window of exposure and strengthening overall security posture.

Streamlined Resource Allocation

Efficiently allocate human hours where they matters most. COVULOR’s prioritization capabilities enable organizations to focus on vulnerabilities that pose the greatest risk, optimizing time and efforts for maximum impact.

Enhanced Risk Mitigation

COVULOR elevates risk mitigation strategies by providing a nuanced understanding of vulnerabilities. The Damage Potential metric ensures that resources are strategically allocated to address the most impactful threats, minimizing overall risk.

Future-Ready Cybersecurity

COVULOR positions your organization for the future of cybersecurity. Stay ahead with automated, intelligent solutions that adapt to evolving threat landscapes, ensuring a proactive and resilient security posture for the long term.

Seamless Integration with Existing Tools

COVULOR is designed for easy integration into your existing cybersecurity ecosystem. Our AI-infused platform seamlessly integrates with popular security tools and IT management solutions, ensuring a smooth and efficient workflow for your security team.



Easily integrate COVULOR with a range of widely used vulnerability scanning tools, streamlining the onboarding process for companies. This compatibility ensures a smooth transition into intelligent vulnerability orchestration.

Automated Remediation Solution

Move from identification to resolution seamlessly with COVULOR‘s automated remediation solutions. Whether it’s generating detailed playbooks for system updates or utilizing generative AI to fortify code and annotate Git repositories, COVULOR streamlines the remediation process.


Streamline resource allocation with COVULOR’s prioritization and risk management capabilities. Identify and focus on vulnerabilities that pose the greatest risk, optimizing efforts and strengthening overall cybersecurity defenses.

Potential Metric

Introduce precision into vulnerability management with COVULOR’s Damage Potential metric. This dynamic measure gauges the realistic threat impact, factoring in the probability of exploitation, allowing organizations to prioritize resources effectively.

AI-Driven Context Enrichment

Leverage advanced AI to enrich vulnerability data with context. COVULOR goes beyond mere identification, analyzing public information, threat actor behaviors, and asset impact to provide a comprehensive understanding of each vulnerability.


COVULOR fosters collaboration within your cybersecurity team. Its AI-driven platform enables team members to easily share insights, assign tasks, and track progress in a centralized dashboard. This collaborative approach streamlines vulnerability management, ensuring that everyone is aligned in addressing security concerns promptly.

Use Cases

For large enterprises grappling with complex cybersecurity landscapes, COVULOR integrates effortlessly, bringing clarity and focus to the management of critical threats. Startups and growing businesses benefit from its efficient resource allocation and automated remediation, aligning cybersecurity strategies with rapid growth. In regulated industries, such as finance, COVULOR aids in compliance and targeted risk management, streamlining the response to compliance-related vulnerabilities.

Next Steps

1. Engage with Plexicus to tailor COVULOR to your organization’s unique cybersecurity needs

Tailor COVULOR to your specific requirements. Schedule a consultation with our experts to discuss how COVULOR can seamlessly integrate into your existing cybersecurity framework.

2. Discover the full capabilities of COVULOR through a personalized demo and stay informed on the latest cybersecurity trends and strategies by subscribing to our newsletter.

Dive deeper into COVULOR by experiencing a personalized demo. Witness firsthand how COVULOR’s capabilities align with your organization’s cybersecurity needs.

3. For a detailed consultation or to experience COVULOR in action, contact Plexicus today.

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